Florida - A Wonderful Family Visit
Great Minds at Work A leisurely breakfast and various paper reading activities fill the rest of the morning. |
Time for Some Hard Work at the Ocean Jo-Ann, Avis and Sammy enjoy some time at the beach. The water was a bit chilly so no big swim time except for a bit of frolicking up to your knees (which aren't much on a Shiatsu).
And that is a pretty involved undertaking to get the dog back to loving condition. Definitely a two person effort. |
A Wonderful Birthday Dinner We all follow Sammi's example Jo and Avis clean up pretty well themselves. We take a moment for a photo opportunity as we anticipate our wonderful meal. |
Report this Abused Dog! The malnourished Samantha stands at the dinner plate having suffered through a day of no treats or table begging rewards. |
So Saturday brigs us to departure time as hugs all around
reaffirm our love for one another.