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In the Woods Bother Thomas took this snap just after Cath had purchased the home. Lots of leaves to pick up in the "Fall".
What a surprise to see a parade of costumed children come through the neighborhood with fire engines and even Captain Hook (the next door neighbor in real life). |
Cozy Kitchen Thomas and Jo-Ann help fix dinner in the very comfortable kitchen. |
We get away for a bit to visit Laura Lee Linder, and old friend from college days. Thank goodness no one has changed a bit. |
Birthday Girl An angel food cake frosted with Cool Whip is one of those long standing traditions. Just a few more candles. |
And dinner is wonderful in the full dining room. Jo is out of sight and Jason sure is enjoying himself. |
Cath may think this is her home, but the cats believe otherwise - especially in regard to the stairway. Proceed with caution! |